
As a creative team member and inquisitive learner with well-developed skills in software development. Engaged in the software development and various services provided by more than 2 organizations, and gained knowledge of management, software development, and fundamental principles for creating a solid web application.


Academic Records

  • Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science

    Class of 2023

    Graduated from Institute of Engineering & Science ,IPS Academy, Affiliated to RGPV University.

  • Senior secondary school

    Class of 2019

    Senior secondary school certificate from Central Board Of Secondary Education, Subject PCM .

  • High school

    Class of 2017

    High school certificate from Madhya Pradesh Board Bhopal.

Professional experience

Back End Developer

  • Softpoint

    Oct 2021 - Present

    Gained Strong experience with REST API development, including implementing, and maintaining API endpoints. Responsible for server-side application logic of the (v2 and v3 application).

    Coordinated with organization toward the successful launch of an POS systems with 8 team members.

    Knowledge of security best practices for API development, including authentication, authorization, and encryption.

    Experience with version control systems, such as Git.

  • Tech Stack:

    Laravel/MySql - Git/Postman

  • Location:


Full Stack Developer Trainee

  • Go clever Community

    Feb 2020 - Sept 2021

    Contributed as a trainee in full stack web development projects, gaining hands-on experience with front-end and back-end technologies with 5 team members.

    Assisted in the development and testing of 4+ web applications.

    Designing and implementing features, debugging and fixing issues, and integrating with APIs and databases.

    Had the chance to hear client-side conversations and more than two project presentations as well.

    Hands-on experience and instruction from experienced developers resulted in dealing with one live running project on Angular-NGRX.

  • Tech Stack:

    Angular/Ionic - Laravel/MySql - Postman/Git/Jira - AWS/Firebase/Gitlab-CI/CD

  • Location:



Major Project

  • Management & Billing Software

    Developed a process to improve and consolidate end-to-end service processes.

    Restructured flow of rental services among multiple Firm and cut down paperwork by 75%.

    Designed and implemented user interfaces and data models using Angular 8+ and Laravel 5.4+, including handling data validation and security.

    Enhanced software development, project management, data management abilities and reduce efforts by 50%.

  • Tech Stack:

    Angular/Ionic - Laravel/MySql - Jira/Postman

Minor Project

  • Blood Innovatory

    Developed one mobile apps using Ionic framework, leveraging HTML, CSS, and Angular for the front-end and Cordova for native device functionality.

    Designed and implemented app features and functionality, including user interfaces, data models, and API integrations.

    Through practical Ionic experience, enhanced knowledge of app development, user experience design, and cross-platform compatibility with having 100+ Active Users.

  • Tech Stack:

    Angular/Ionic - Laravel/MySql

Mini Project

  • Assignment Submitter

    This app created to submit all assignments for collage and school students.

  • Tech Stack:


Technical Skills

Primary Skills


  • Javascript

  • Java

  • PHP - 7.4+

  • SQL (Database - MySQL)

  • Python

  • TypeScript

  • C

  • C++

  • HTML5

  • CSS


  • Angular - 8+

  • Laravel - 5.4+

  • Ionic (Android/IOS) - 6.0.1


  • Git



    Gitlab CI/CD

    Git Base

  • Postman

  • Jira

  • Grunt

Cloud Services

  • Amazon Web Services(AWS)

    EC2 Instance

    Relational Database Service

    Nginx plus server

    S3 (Simple Storage Service )

  • Firebase CLI



  • Academic Achievements

    My major projects in Billing and Management software is running live in some corporations.
    My minor project Blood Help is running in two Blood Donation Community with having 100+ Donor for helping and donating blood.

  • Personal Achievements

    Self dependent from 3-4 years.
    Good Stock & Crypto Trader

Technical Profiles

Web Developer

Anuj Sulakhiya

Hi, My name is Anuj Sulakhiya. I am a Full-stack Web Developer. Pursuing My BTech in Computer Science from Institute of Engineering & Science ,IPS Academy, Affiliated to RGPV University.

Permanent Address : Betma 453001, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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